Allpax Conducts a New Research Project to Improve the Quality of Shelf-Stable Food

Sep 05, 2013

COVINGTON, LA — Allpax Products, powered by ProMach, said today that the company is researching the impact of Gentle Motion agitation sterilization on more than 15 foods packaged in various microwaveable pouches and bowls. This research documents reductions in processing time, capacity increases compared to static retort processing, and the overall subjective improvements to quality, including taste, texture, and appearance. The company will discuss its findings with Pack Expo 2013 attendees in Las Vegas, September 23-25. (Allpax Booth C-2114)

Gentle Motion agitation is a high capacity retort process designed for pouches and bowls that are oriented horizontally in a retort rather than vertically as are cans, bottles, and jars. The back-and-forth motion of the retort baskets in a Gentle Motion retort produce waves of heat flowing longitudinally through such products as soups and sauces that have low-to-moderate viscosity and moderate-to-high liquid and particulate content.

Depending on the product being retorted, cycle time may be reduced from 5 to 40 percent. Less thermal load tends to improve the taste, texture, and appearance of shelf stable food. Each Gentle Motion retort can have up to six full-sized baskets and can be loaded and unloaded via an automated system.

“Our research is designed to identify the product and pouch or bowl combinations with the highest promise of capacity and quality improvement through Gentle Motion agitation,” said Greg Jacob, Vice President and General Manager, Allpax. “This effort will not only save brand owners a measure of R&D time, but will also indicate opportunities in terms of product enhancements and new product introductions.”

Allpax will be demonstrating at Pack Expo heat transfer capabilities of longitudinal agitation with its 2402 Multimode R&D retort, which is capable of more than 20 different retort modes.

For information on Allpax Gentle Motion and other innovative retorts, software, retort room automation, and aftermarket products and services, call 1-888-893-9277 and visit

About Allpax

Supporting the highest levels of product safety and regulatory compliance, Allpax manufactures processing and sterilization solutions for the food, beverage, pet food, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries, including autoclaves, retort room components, fully automated retort rooms, and product handling equipment that supports retort room automation. Allpax is a product brand of ProMach, a global leader in packaging line solutions. As part of the ProMach Product Handling business line, Allpax helps our packaging customers protect and grow the reputation and trust of their consumers. ProMach is performance, and the proof is in every package. Learn more about Allpax at and more about ProMach at

Media Contact
David Starck | [email protected]

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