Laboratory Retorts Shorten Development Time for Ready Meals

Apr 29, 2009

Covington, LA - A new white paper from Amcor Flexibles describes how the company utilized an Allpax research and development retort to reduce time to market for ready meals packaged in high-barrier film pouches.

"Using the Allpax modular laboratory retort, Amcor Flexibles can fill a pouch with a food processor's product, process and test it, presenting a 90 percent complete commercial prototype in a matter of hours," says Franck-Philippe N'Dia, Sales Manager, Ready Meals, Amcor Flexibles. "The food processor can then present the product to its marketing staff so that decisions can be made quickly, enabling a product to reach market in weeks instead of months."

The Allpax 2402-FLEX research and development retort, the latest model, is capable of seven different sterilization processes and four different modes of agitation.

The new white paper, Packaging Labs Shorten Ready Meals' Time to Market, can be downloaded from the Allpax website.

About Allpax

Supporting the highest levels of product safety and regulatory compliance, Allpax manufactures processing and sterilization solutions for the food, beverage, pet food, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries, including autoclaves, retort room components, fully automated retort rooms, and product handling equipment that supports retort room automation. Allpax is a product brand of ProMach, a global leader in packaging line solutions. As part of the ProMach Product Handling business line, Allpax helps our packaging customers protect and grow the reputation and trust of their consumers. ProMach is performance, and the proof is in every package. Learn more about Allpax at and more about ProMach at

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