New Allpax Initiatives Help Canneries Boost Retort Room Capacity

Feb 16, 2016

COVINGTON, LA — Allpax, powered by ProMach, announced today a new effort to help canneries increase production capacity with no additional plant real estate required. Canneries that replace swing-open door retorts with Allpax orbital door retorts can expect capacity increases from 8 to 33 percent, depending on the current basket capacity of the retort room. Production increases can approximate or exceed the equivalent basket capacity of installing an additional retort.

Allpax orbital door retorts rotate up thus using floor space more efficiently than retorts with the swing-open configuration. The new initiative allocates Allpax resources for cannery audits that examine and report on cost effective ways to expand capacity and productivity as well as lowering energy costs and water utilization. The goal is to add years of higher capacity production to the cannery and to improve the overall sustainability of the operation.

The following chart illustrates the typical range of capacity expansion to expect from projects that replace swing-open door retorts with new Allpax orbital door retorts.

# of Retorts

Baskets per Retort w/swing-open door

Total production baskets per retort room

Baskets per retort/w 1 orbital door

Total production baskets per retort room

% increase in capacity

Baskets per retort/w 2 orbital doors

Total production baskets per retort room

% increase in capacity



















In other recent initiatives, Allpax helps to improve the environmental footprint of the cannery with energy and water savings

Under the new initiative, the Allpax cannery auditor will also examine energy and water usage and prepare a cost/benefit analysis of incorporating Allpax energy and water savings technology introduced in 2015. The new Allpax water saver system reduces the cost of water disposal and usage by up to 50 percent, while making free hot water available for plant operations. This cooling water recovery technology gives canneries the ability to use the hot water from a standard water spray retort cycle during the first stages of cooling to capture hot water, and then in the second stages of cooling to contain the warm water and use it in the next cycle instead of disposing of it.

The Allpax waste-heat recovery technology captures steam in a vented tank where it condenses into hot water. This water can be used to supplement hot water in lavatories and cleaning stations or it can be run through heat exchangers for heating food or other processes at the plant. Canneries may be eligible for state and federal tax benefits when these systems are incorporated into the operation.

Cannery personnel interested in a capacity expansion and energy and water sustainability audit should call 1-888-893-9277. Visit for a comprehensive overview and other products and services, including retort room automation and basket tracking technology as well as the versatile 2402 lab retort.

About Allpax

Supporting the highest levels of product safety and regulatory compliance, Allpax manufactures processing and sterilization solutions for the food, beverage, pet food, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries, including autoclaves, retort room components, fully automated retort rooms, and product handling equipment that supports retort room automation. Allpax is a product brand of ProMach, a global leader in packaging line solutions. As part of the ProMach Product Handling business line, Allpax helps our packaging customers protect and grow the reputation and trust of their consumers. ProMach is performance, and the proof is in every package. Learn more about Allpax at and more about ProMach at

Media Contact
David Starck | [email protected]

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